Friday, January 25, 2008

Lucis Trust

Lucis Trust helps fund the United Nations meditation room.
Lucis was launched by Alice Baily, a medium and satanic worshipper.
Lucis trust helps fund such things as Skull and Bones, Masons,
and I belive the Bahai community. Alice Baily wants a One World Religion and One World Goverment.
Alice Bailey together with her husband, Foster Bailey, launched Lucifer
Publishing Company, which published the theosophical periodical Lucifer.
Though, they changed the name to Lucis Publishing Company. The work of
Lucis Trust is carried out through its Arcane School of the occult, and World
Goodwill. Together, they work to implement what is termed "the Plan", as
was revealed in 24 books written by Bailey, and published by Lucis Trust.
Alice Bailey claimed that it as Djwhal Khul, her "Ascended Master",
actually wrote the books through her while she was in a trance. Another
"Master" Bailey claimed to have been in contact with was the enigmatic Comte
St. Germain, whom she referred to as the "Master Rakoczi", or the "Master
R." In Bailey's The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, his title is said to be the
"Lord of Civilization". He is said to telepathically influence people who are
seen by him as being instrumental in bringing about the new civilization of
the Age of Aquarius. She said that "sometime after AD 2025", Master Jesus,
Master Rakoczi, Kuthumi, and the others in the Spiritual Hierarchy would
"externalise", i.e., descend from their spiritual planes, and live physically on
Earth in ashrams surrounded by their disciples.
The focus of "the Plan" she was instructed to pursue is to usher in the
"Harmonic Convergence," also known as the Omega, Mind Convergence,
Fusion or Turning Point, which can occur only when nations put aside their
differences in a "New World Order" of global unity. When world government
and religion are finally realized, the New Age, or the Age of Aquarius, will have
dawned. Only then will Jesus Christ the Avatar appear, and the implementation
of the New World Order fully begin. This "Christ" is also known as Lord
Maitraya, said to be awaited also by Jews, Moslems, Buddhists, and Hindus,
though he is known by these believers respectively as the Messiah, Imam
Mahdi, the fifth Buddha, or Krishna. Bailey makes it very clear that there is to
also be a world religion:"The spirit has gone out of the old faiths and the true spiritual light is transferring itself into a new form which will manifest on earth eventually as the new world
religion. …Judaism is old, obsolete and separative and has no true message
for the spiritually-minded which cannot be better given by the new faiths…the
Christian faith also has served its purpose; its Founder seeks to bring a new
Gospel and a new message that will enlighten all men everywhere."
The Lucis Trust is run through an international board of trustees,
whose membership is said to have included: John D. Rockefeller, Norman
Cousins, Robert S. McNamara, Thomas Watson, Jr. of IBM, and former U.S.
Ambassador to Moscow, Henry Clauson, a Grand Commander of the Supreme
Council, 33rd Degree, Southern District Scottish Rite, and Henry Kissinger,
thus tying Bailey's organization into the various Round Table groups, including
the CFR, the Bilderberger group, and the Trilateral Commission.2
The plan would be brought about through the Tavistock Institute and its
MK-Ultra mind-control program, a continuation of the MK-Ultra program. The
basis of this program would be derived from the ancient mind-control techniques
of the Assassins. These same basic methods would be adopted by the Tavistock Institute, but employed on a mass scale, using "sex and drugs, and rock 'n roll", to induce mental states in their audiences that would open them to specific forms of indoctrination.

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